Saturday, July 12, 2008

If I Listen Close

It's been two weeks since I began blogging about getting healthy. During this time my weight has gone up and down, and today it's at 285...two pounds less. I'm grateful for that, but not ecstatic. Knowing my track record over the last several years makes me remember that my lifestyle change will have to be permanent for there to be a difference.

I'm learning more and more that good health is about a total body, mind, and spiritual approach. Nothing should be left out. It's also becoming clear that my emotions are a big aspect of how well I do at the dinner table. It's not been an easy two weeks in this-thing-called-life department either.

A Friend's Prescription: PDEF

Through it all, I know that I am not alone and as a friend prescribed to me for my tough times, it's about devoting my self to a regime of prayer, diet, exercise, and fellowship.

As Billy Graham writes in one of his devotionals, "God is the only source of true happiness...How hard it is for us to believe this, however!"

So, while I pursue my goal of better health, I can not forget that I can always lean on God to show me the way. I believe He's helped me lose that couple pounds by certain promptings throughout this two-week period..."stay away from the extra helping," "cook something healthy at home," "take an evening walk."

If I listen close, I think I hear him say, "Keep up the good work!"

DIGG story!


jafabrit said...

The way I viewed my new eating pattern is that it isn't temporary, it is a complete lifestyle change. I hated eating breakfast and sometimes forgot to eat lunch and so I had to retrain my body to get used to a new pattern.

all the best with it.

x said...

Hi! Happy 2 week Birthday! I'm starting to get back onto the healthy road also. When life gets busy I get lazy and start neglecting myself!!! Ugg!!

Have a great day!


John Kubicek said...

Hey, Alexander, thanks for the wonderful motivation! I've been sticking to the diet well, and have lost 10 lbs in the last 3 weeks, but there was the missing ingredient of the PDEF prescription: excercise. So, today, I took my dog Moochie out for a good walk! We had a great time, and another plus, my dog is sleeping and leaving me alone for a change! :)

Alexander said...

Yep...not part of PDEH should be neglected! Keep up the good work!

Alexander said...

..that should be "no" part of "PDEF"...

...sheesh, I need to slow down!